Welcome to the EDH Power Level Calculator, your ultimate tool for figuring out how strong your Commander decks are in the amazing world of Magic: The Gathering. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, knowing how powerful your deck is essential for making sure your games are fun and fair. Our calculator looks at different things in your deck, like the cards you have, how well they work together, and your overall game plan. It uses all this info to tell you how strong your deck is. With this knowledge, you can play against people who have decks at a similar power level, so everyone has a good time.

It can be tricky to find the right power level for your EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander) or Commander deck. There are so many cards from different sets to choose from, and it’s easy to make a deck that’s too weak or too strong for your friends to enjoy. That’s where the EDH Power Level Calculator helps. It checks out your deck and gives it a power level score. This score helps you understand how well your deck will do in different game situations. Whether you want to make your deck better, have fun casual games, or compete with strong decks, our calculator is a handy tool to help you find the perfect balance.

EDH Power Calculator

Elder Dragon Highlander Brief Guide

What Is an EDH Power Level Calculator and How Does It Work?

An EDH Power Level Calculator is a tool used for the Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) format, which is also known as Commander in the Magic: The Gathering card game. It’s designed to measure how strong a Commander deck is based on the cards it includes and the choices made when building it. The deck’s power level is typically shown with several descriptive categories.

Here’s how the calculator works:

  1. Card Selection: The calculator examines the quality and effectiveness of the cards in the deck. It looks for cards that have a big impact on the game and how well they work together strategically.
  2. Mana Curve: It checks the distribution of mana costs in the deck to make sure there’s a good balance. This ensures the deck can consistently cast spells at different points in the game.
  3. Win Conditions: The calculator assesses how the deck plans to win the game. This could be through powerful combinations of cards, game-ending spells, or strategies that are hard to beat.
  4. Interaction and Disruption: It considers how well the deck can interact with and disrupt the plans of other players. This includes looking at cards that can remove or counteract the opponent’s cards and strategies.
  5. Consistency and Resilience: The calculator looks at how well the deck can stick to its plan and handle disruptions from opponents. It checks for factors like card draw, searching for specific cards, and having backup plans.

The calculator combines all of these factors to give the deck a power level rating. This rating helps players understand how their deck compares in terms of competitiveness. It’s useful for building and adjusting decks and ensuring a balanced and enjoyable experience when playing Commander with people who have different deck power levels.

How to Use an EDH Power Level Calculator

Using an EDH power level calculator is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Get Your Deck Info: First, gather all the info about your Commander deck. You’ll need to know your Commander’s name, have a list of all the cards in your deck (that’s your decklist), and maybe some notes about how your deck works or any special combos.
  2. Pick a Power Level Scale: Find out what power level scale the calculator uses. Some use numbers from 1 to 10, while others use words like Casual, Competitive, or High Power. Learn how the scale works so you can understand the results.
  3. Put in Your Deck Info: Type your deck information into the calculator. This usually means writing down the card names or uploading your decklist in a specific way. Some calculators also let you pick your Commander from a list.
  4. Check the Results: After you’ve given all the info, the calculator will do its thing and give you a power level rating. It might be a number, a word, or a mix of both. Pay attention to the result and any suggestions or explanations the calculator gives.
  5. Understand and Make Changes: Figure out what the power level rating means for your deck. If it’s a high rating, your deck is probably strong and competitive. If it’s lower, your deck is likely more relaxed. Use this info to make changes if you want. You can add or remove cards to match your desired power level or make your deck work better.
  6. Keep Tweaking: If you make changes to your deck, think about using the calculator again to see how the rating changes. This helps you make your deck better and find the right balance for your playgroup or the games you’re getting ready for.

Remember, the power level calculator gives you an estimate. It’s a tool to help, but it’s not the final word on how good your deck is. It’s important to talk to your friends you’re playing with and make sure everyone has a good time when you play.

How to Build a Great EDH Deck for Fun and Competition

To create an awesome EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander) deck that’s both enjoyable and competitive, follow these steps:

  1. Pick an Exciting Commander: Choose a Commander that fits your style of play and works well with your strategy. Your Commander should lead your deck effectively and bring unique strengths to the table.
  2. Define Your Deck’s Plan: Decide on a clear and focused approach for your deck. This could be based on a theme, a specific way to win, or combinations of cards. Having a well-defined strategy will guide your card choices and how you build your deck.
  3. Build a Solid Mana Base: Create a strong mana base that gives you reliable access to the right colours of mana you need. This means including basic lands, dual lands, and artefacts that help you cast your spells consistently.
  4. Mix-Up Card Types: Include a variety of card types in your deck. Add creatures, spells, enchantments, artefacts, and planeswalkers that support your strategy and can be useful in different situations.
  5. Prioritize Card Draw and Selection: Make sure you have cards that let you draw more cards or filter through your deck. This keeps your resources steady and helps you find answers to problems or advance your game plan.
  6. Include Ways to Interact and Disrupt: Add cards that let you interact with your opponents and mess with their plans. Use targeted removal spells, counterspells, and board wipes to handle threats and keep control of the game.
  7. Balance Your Mana Curve: Pay attention to the costs of your cards. Make sure you have a good mix of expensive and cheaper cards to play at different points in the game. This avoids getting stuck with cards you can’t cast.
  8. Have Multiple Ways to Win: Include different ways to win or succeed with your deck. Don’t rely too much on just one strategy. Think about strong combos, game-ending spells, or powerful creatures to win with.
  9. Test and Improve: Regularly playtest your deck to see how it performs. Figure out which cards work well and which don’t. Make changes to make your deck better.
  10. Adjust to Your Playgroup: Think about the people you’re playing with. Make sure your deck is a good fit for their level of skill and what they like. The key is to have a deck that’s competitive but not too overpowering. Talk with your friends to make sure everyone has a good time.

Remember, building an awesome EDH deck is an ongoing process. Keep an eye on new cards and how the game is changing to keep making your deck better. The goal is to have a deck that works well and makes the game fun for everyone.

How to Create an Effective Game Guide for EDH Players and Beginners

To craft a helpful game guide for both experienced EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander) players and newcomers to the format, consider the following key sections:

  1. Format Overview: Start your game guide with a comprehensive overview of the EDH format. Explain that EDH is a multiplayer variant of Magic: The Gathering where players construct 100-card decks built around a legendary creature known as the Commander. Describe the format’s fundamental rules and unique characteristics, such as the starting life total of 40, the Commander tax mechanic, and the colour identity restriction. Introduce the concept of the social contract, highlighting the importance of communication and respect in gameplay. Emphasize the need for players to consider the power level of their decks and make adjustments accordingly. This section provides a solid foundation for players who are new to EDH.
  2. Deckbuilding Tips and Strategies: Dedicate a section of the game guide to deckbuilding tips and strategies tailored to the EDH format. Explain the significance of having a clear game plan and establishing a consistent mana base. Offer guidance on selecting an appropriate Commander and building a deck that leverages the Commander’s strengths and abilities. Provide advice on choosing cards that synergize effectively with the Commander and support the overall deck strategy. Stress the importance of balancing key elements, including ramp, card draw, interaction, and win conditions. Include examples of popular EDH archetypes or themes, such as tribal decks or combo strategies, and discuss their unique strengths and considerations. Encourage players to playtest and refine their decks and provide resources for finding inspiration and additional deckbuilding tools. This section empowers players to approach EDH deck construction with confidence and creativity.

By combining a clear format overview with practical deckbuilding guidance, your game guide will serve as a valuable resource for both EDH veterans and those new to the format, enhancing their understanding and enjoyment of EDH gameplay.

Why Is Having a Game Guide Important for EDH Players?

If you’re into EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander) Magic: The Gathering, having a game guide is super important. It’s like a treasure trove of info that tells you everything you need to know about EDH. This format is pretty tricky, but a game guide makes it all easy peasy. It tells you the rules, how things work, and what makes EDH special. So, here’s why you should always have a game guide handy:

Learn the Basics: The game guide helps you understand stuff like the Commander’s job, how much life you start with, and what colours you can use. It’s like having a cheat sheet to get you started.

Deck Magic: The game guide is your buddy when you’re building your deck. It gives you tips on picking the right Commander, making your deck strong, and having a solid plan. It also helps you pick the right cards, plan your mana, and use cool strategies. With this guide, your deck becomes a powerhouse.

Game Plan: It’s not just about the cards; it’s also about how you play the game. The guide tells you how to deal with your opponents, figure out what’s dangerous, and take the lead. When you know these tricks, you play like a champ.

So, keep your game guide nearby. When you hit a tricky spot, just peek in and get the answers you need. It’s like having a secret weapon for your EDH adventures!

Can EDH Decks with Different Strengths Still Have Fun Matches?

Absolutely! EDH decks can come in all sorts of power levels, and they can still make for exciting games together. Here’s how it works:

Talk It Out: When you’re playing with decks of different strengths, it’s crucial to have a chat before the game. This way, everyone knows what to expect. Talking about power levels helps set the stage for a balanced game.

Balance the Field: If some decks are super strong and others not so much, players with powerful decks can dial it down a bit. They can hold back, use less powerful strategies, or play more casually. This makes things fairer for everyone.

Be Creative: Players with less powerful decks can get creative. They can form alliances, use diplomacy, and find clever ways to slow down the stronger decks. It’s all about strategy and having fun, even if you’re not the strongest.

The most important thing in EDH is having a good time, not just winning. So, with a bit of talking and adjusting, decks with different strengths can still have fantastic matches together. It’s all about the fun and camaraderie!


An EDH power level calculator is an invaluable tool for Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) players in the world of Magic: The Gathering. It offers a structured way to evaluate and comprehend the relative strength of Commander decks. By taking into account elements like card choices, mana distribution, victory conditions, interaction, and resilience, this calculator provides players with valuable insights into how competitive and fine-tuned their decks are.

The use of an EDH power level calculator empowers players to measure their decks’ potency, make well-informed choices during deck construction, and adapt their strategies to match their preferred power level. It fosters a sense of equilibrium and enjoyment in gameplay by enabling players to pair their decks with others of comparable strength, resulting in a more balanced and thrilling competition.


What is EDH or Commander Format?

EDH, also known as Commander, is a special way to play Magic: The Gathering with multiple players. In this style of play, each player makes a deck of 100 cards focused on a special and powerful creature called the Commander. The Commander sets the deck’s colours, and it stays in a special place called the command zone.

How Does an EDH Power-Level Calculator Work?

An EDH power level calculator looks at a Commander deck’s strength based on different things like the cards chosen, how easy it is to get mana, how you plan to win, how well you can stop others, and how tough your deck is. It takes all of these things into account and gives your deck a number or a description to tell you how good it is, so you know how competitive it can be.

Can Different Power-Level Decks Still Play Together in EDH?

Yes, decks with different power levels can still play together in EDH. Even if some decks are stronger than others, players can change their strategies, talk to each other to make deals, and find clever ways to slow down or stop more powerful decks. Being open and making sure everyone has fun is what matters most.

How Accurate Is an EDH Power Level Calculator?

An EDH calculator figures out a deck’s power level based on certain rules. But it’s important to remember that power level can be different from person to person, and the calculator’s results are more like a suggestion than a strict measurement. The best way to know how strong a deck is is to play games with it and talk to other players about it.

Are Power Level Calculators the Only Way to See How Good a Deck Is in EDH?

No, power-level calculators are just one way to check a deck’s strength in EDH. There are other ways, too. You can play games with the deck, get advice from your friends who play with you, and watch how the deck does in real games. These ways give you a better idea of your deck’s strengths, weaknesses, and how good it is.